Past Projects
Founder and Director Bhaltinder has worked with many communities and client groups on a variety of projects throughout his career. In every project, Bhaltinder adapts to the needs of the group and carefully supports them to overcome challenges, strengthen and adapt positive skills and characteristics and build knowledge and solutions to achieve their potential.
Below are a few examples of work Bhaltinder has previously worked on.

Youth Leadership
Bhaltinder has worked with young people across six communities in Jamaica to develop a youth council to speak up for young people. Strengthening skills and capacity to be a youth voice in their communities. Bhaltinder has worked with many organisations to develop and deliver youth leadership activities and develop youth councils.
Sports for Development
Here are a few examples of Bhaltinder's support for organisations in sports for development. Bhaltinder has trained young coaches in boxing and sports for development, Prison officers in delivering sports for development in prisons and boxing and martial arts coaches to deliver sports for development activities in communities across the UK and internationally.

Network Development
Over the past eight years Bhaltinder has trained youth organisations, community organisations and boxing and martial arts clubs across the UK and internationally. Delivering sports for development training and capacity strengthening in communities affected by crime and violence. Bhaltinder has supported many of these to collaborate and share skills and experiences across a network of like minded organisations. Here are some examples of organisations networked.